Meaning of tarot cards

The Major Arcana 0-7

The Major Arcana differs from the other cards in the deck, or Minor Arcana, in several different ways. The Major Arcana usually has significantly more symbolism you need to discern while trying to discover the meaning of tarot cards. These 22 cards usually have far richer illustrations featuring people and scenes. These cards also usually represent forces more of a spiritual nature rather than the mundane nature of the minor Arcana. It is important you eventually develop your own personal meanings for each card because the symbols will speak to different people in different ways. The following list is based on the Rider-Waite tarot deck and should help you get started reading immediately. While you may be tempted always read with a list as a crutch at all times, you will find it far more fulfilling if you memorize the meaning of each tarot card.

0. The Fool Upright: New beginnings, new journeys, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness,

Reverse: A bad decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, a faulty choice

1. The Magician Upright: Creativity, mastery, will power, self confidence, sleight of hand, the Querent(if male), a man the Querent(usually female) has interest in

Reverse: Weakness in will power, insecurity, delay, lack of imagination, disgrace

2. The High Priestess Upright: Wisdom, secrets, mystery, intuition, purity, virtue, a lack of patience, a teacher, esoteric knowledge, psychic powers, the Querent(if female), a woman the querent(usually male) has interest in

Reverse: Ignorance, superficial knowledge, selfishness, shallowness

3. The Empress Upright: Action, birth, accomplishment, mother/sister/wife, evolution, marriage, fruitfulness,

Reverse: Vacillation, inaction, lack on decision, anxiety, truth,

4. The Emperor Upright: Accomplishment, confidence, a father figure, wealth, stability, leadership, father/brother/husband, achievement, conviction, reason

Reverse: Immaturity, indecision, benevolence, feebleness, petty emotions, lack of strength, compassion, obstruction

5. The Hierophant Upright: Conformity, social approval, religious order, marriage, alliance, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, inspiration

Reverse: Unconventionality, unorthodoxy, an inventor, foolish generosity, errors are repeated, impotence, vulnerability, frailty, over kindness

6. The Lovers Upright: Love, attraction, harmony, trust, honor, the beginning of a romance, optimism, opposite forces coming together, overcoming

Reverse: Unreliability, separation, frustration in love, failure, foolish design, untrustworthy

7.The Chariot Upright: Perseverance, a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, trouble, war, triumph, vengeance

Reverse: Unsuccessful, defeat, failure, last minute loss, dispute

Information on other Cards
Meaning of Tarot Cards II The Major Arcana 8-21
Tarot Swords
Tarot Pentacles
Tarot Cups
Tarot Wands

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