---The Three Card Tarot Spread---
This spread will give you much more information than the one card tarot spread and is better suited to more complicated issues. Like the other tarot spread begin by relaxing and focusing on the question or issue and shuffle in the same manner. Several different teachers have different methods at this point. The two most common are spreading the cards out in a line and intuitively picking 3, or you can split the deck and just draw the top 3. I prefer the later. Lay the 3 cards out next to each other horizontally. You can lay them upside down and flip them over one at a time or just lay them out right side up.

Center Card: The Focus - This card is usually the general problem or decision to be made.
Right Card: The Outcome – The effects of the circumstances in the second card on the future as it is now. Remember the future is not set in stone.
The three cards can also be thought of as past, present and future in more of a time line approach. The approach you choose to take to this spread is up to you. Think intuitively and choose the one you think best fits the issue or question.
Left Card: The Past – This card is the Querent's past experiences that are having a direct influence on the issue at hand.
Center Card: The Present – This card represents the forces or the emotions effecting the Querent at the present that relevant to the issue.
Right Card: The Future – This card shows the likely future the Querent will take based on the information in the previous two cards as it is now.
---The Five Card Tarot Spread----
There are several five card spreads which all seem to go by that name. This is one of my favorites.
This tarot spread is very good when looking for the course of action to take in a given matter. Focus on the question, shuffle, and cut the deck just like before. Draw 5 cards and lay them in the following configuration and in that numbered sequence.

Card 1: The general theme of the reading
Card 2: Past experiences having influence on the issue
Card 3: The future
Card 4: The reason the Querent is asking the question, may show a subconscious motive
Card 5: A possible results from taking a given course of action
As you can see this is extremely similar to the 3 card tarot spread. The big difference is it gives a a potential outcome if action is taken as well as the future as things are now. It also offers a subconscious motive for asking the question which may reveal more information about the past. Sometimes the answer to an issue lies not in the future, but in introspection into the past.
More spreads to follow. Keep practicing.
Good luck.
Part I can be found here
Tarot Spreads